ariel in front of a blank wall with sunlight streaming through rainbow film casting rainbows on he face with glasses on top of her head

My name is Ariel

I’m a practicing Norse pagan, demonolator, death witch, and a student of astrology. I have a deep passion for the occult, the paranormal and helping others in their journeys and have practiced witchcraft since 2012.

Spirit has been a constant companion in my life. I’ve had the ability to see and interact with spirits for as long as I can remember, but it’s at times left me feeling both connected and alone. Growing up in a Christian Baptist household, I ignored my abilities for a long time and eventually left behind the Christian faith at 18 to explore the path spirit kept nudging me towards.

That led me to a passion for expanding my own abilities and in turn, empowering others; helping them to feel confident and empowered on their spiritual journey and interactions with the unknown.

In 2013, I started sharing my journey and experiences with a wider audience via YouTube, began reading at psychic fairs, and speaking at events.

I do my best to create an inclusive and respectful environment in the communities I engage with. I openly support those who also identify as LGBTQIA+ and minorities, and I firmly believe that all open spiritual practices are free for anyone who feels called to them, regardless of race or gender identity. I believe that de-colonization is important and continue to do my best in approaching my life, practice and beliefs with more cultural appreciation and respect.

Ariel on a forest trail surrounded by trees and moss as she reaches out to a fern plant

My practice

A lot of my practice centers around ancestral veneration, deity work, and necromancy which is the practice of connecting with spirits of those who have passed, to gather information or receive guidance. As a death witch, I work with the energies of death and transformation to help those who are experiencing transformation in their life, but also to honor those who have passed that may seek acknowledgement for their lives, experiences and/or passing.

I’m an animist and believe that everything has a spirit to it- the trees, animals, and even the ground we walk on. I do my best to foster a relationship with the land I live on in addition to the spirits and energies that reside upon and within it. I believe that respect for energies and spirits around us is important and do my best to understand them.

As Seen In…

Western Carolina University logo in purple and gold fonts

Western Carolina University
Astrology Night - March 2023


Epicedium Paranormal - YouTube
Q&A with Ariel Willow - Part 2

Hedge Witch and The Healer Podcast
Guest Ariel Willow

Two Girls, One Ghost Podcast
Episode 200 - Intro to Astrocartography with Ariel Willow

The New Witches Podcast
Episode 42. Living with Mediumship & Psychic Abilities with Ariel Willow

Horror Tea Time Podcast
Would You Live in a Haunted House? Part 3


  • I haven't had all these abilities since childhood; but as I opened myself to what I could do, I started strengthening more.

    I have the following abilities currently (listed from strongest, to known but less developed):


    (The ability to see auras, energies, spirits, beings, etc. via eyesight. For me personally, my ability to see them in the dark is based upon whether these things are illuminated by an source like a flashlight or if they're self-illuminating. I'm also able to see these things through video or photos.)


    (Hearing spirits, guides, aliens, angels, etc. via it sounding as though it's physically in the space with me or within my mind in a different voice than my own.)


    (Sensing energies and emotions; similar, but different than Clairempathy.)

    Trance Channeling 

    (being a mediator of information from the other side or beings through a trance-like state or allowing them to use my whole body including motor functions and voice.)


    (I'm able to communicate with human spirits and spirits of other dimensions and “cross” them over if needed.

    In a trance channeling state, the beings channeling can convey messages from spirits of those who have passed.)

    Automatic writing

    (Gaining messages or answers through channeled writing.)


    (Gathering information by touching objects or people)


    (The ability to smell unexplained scents and/or smell scents related to spirit)


    (Receiving information from spirit via unexplained taste)

  • My "big six" in my birth-chart is as following in the whole sign house system:

    Sun in Pisces; 4H

    Moon in Virgo; 10H

    Ascendant/rising: Sagittarius

    Mercury in Pisces; 4H

    Mars in Gemini; 7H

    Venus in Aries; 5H

  • Absolutely! It’s one of my passions.
    I’ve been investigating the paranormal since I was a teen, but joined a team in 2015 (Northern Nevada Ghost Hunters) and was part of many investigations.

    I love being able to help people find peace within paranormal activity and get an idea of what’s going on and be the mediator between spirit and our reality.

    I go in as a skeptic when I investigate and do my best to not rely solely on what I’m getting via my abilities, but also back it up with more concrete forms of evidence whether electronic, physical or otherwise.

  • My interest in astrology began in my teen years. I would beg my mom to bring me any book she could find in the library relating to astrology, the esoteric, occult or paranormal.

    However, I formally started my study of astrology in 2021 and have continued to expand my knowledge since then.

    My approach to astrological readings is based in traditional western astrological techniques while also including intuitive insight I may receive in addition to those techniques while studying charts.

  • The term death witch is going to vary in what it means from practitioner to practitioner; for me, it means a practitioner who utilizes and works with the energies of death and/or transformation within their practice.

    For some, this may mean that they commonly work with clients going through transformations in their lives and/or experiencing loss. For others, it could mean that mediumship and/or necromancy is a heavy part of their practice; it truly depends on the person.

    In my own practice, I work with human spirits and death deities in addition to assisting people through transformations, losses and/or shifts within their lives or during times when grieving and processing is being navigated.

  • A demonolator is “someone who practices demonolatry and demonolatry is the worship of demons and/or practicing of ritual or magic with the aid of entities known as Demons.”*

    Some demonolators work with demons/deamons/infernals as energies/elementals and others see them as deities. I myself view them as deities and have Lord Lucifer and Duke Astaroth as patron deities, but also have other infernals come through my practice.

    * Pg. 10 - The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly